Cri de Lolita Riotte communication & project manager



I’m 28 years old, I grew up near Paris and to be honest, until my late twenties I wasn’t very “environmentally conscious.“ As a teenager I was more interested in friends, fashion and travel.


I’m a self made person, I started working when I was 16 in the equestrian field. I was a groom for top class riders and took part at the biggest events such as the Rio 2016 Olympic Games for team Switzerland.


Three years ago I took the opportunity offered by Equestrio Group in Geneva to start a second life as a Communication & Project Manager. I then opened up to global information and news to which I was before incurious about. I realised that all the natural disasters such as hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, wildfires (…) are consequences of climate change and that something is wrong.


Today, after a digital strategy certification cycle from CREA Geneva, I am in charge of the communication for Equestrio Foundation. I’m working on several projects to give our foundation and the projects we support the visibility they deserve: “to make visible the invisible”.


Social media platforms, including dark social (Whatsapp, Messenger …) are powerful, and I find it really exciting to use them to serve some of the most important challenges of the next decades : the fight against climate change and the fight for animal welfare.




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