We’ve found an antidote to the pessimism that, it has to be said, is still fairly widespread. Action! In response to the climate crisis…in response to the collapse of our biodiversity…in response to the irreversible damage caused by human activities…we’re choosing to take action and to make visible all those who do so.  2023 was marked by new projects, continued partnerships, many days spent in the field and innovative campaigns… you can read all about it in our 2023 Equestrio Foundation Annual Report.




100 % for projects

70% of wild vertebrate populations have disappeared in the last 50 years. More than ever, animals and nature need us. And we are there.

In 2023, we funded ten projects in a variety of fields, including the protection of our biodiversity with Plantons Utile, APIDAE, the Centre Athénas and Sauvetage Faons Jura bernois, the defense of abused animals with YouCare, and the fight against plastic pollution with Clean My Calanques, Noam Yaron’s new odyssey and the Association pour la Sauvegarde du Léman. We also took emergency action to help animals injured in the terrible earthquake that shook Morocco last September.

In keeping with our commitment to having a concrete and direct impact, all our donations have been allocated to the projects, as our President, Alicia Heiniger, continues to cover all operating costs.


Taking action in the field

The year 2023 was also marked by the desire, the need, the necessity to get to the heart of the action.

Our increased presence in the field, notably through some twenty volunteer days, enabled us to strengthen our ties with project leaders, to help them in their day-to-day work and to identify their needs more precisely in order to target our funding.

These shared moments were filled with emotion, but also with wonderful realizations: in response to the too many aborted or forgotten battles, there are hundreds, thousands of courageous people committed to fighting for the future of our planet. We are proud to support these hidden heroes, whose generosity is a real source of inspiration and optimism for us.


Making visible the invisible

Equestrio Foundation supports medium-sized associations that rarely have the necessary resources to make the general public aware of the importance of the issues they uphold. Therefore, beyond funding projects, our aim is to give as much publicity as possible to their causes.

In 2023, we strengthened our awareness-raising actions with high-impact campaigns on subjects close to our hearts. More photo and video reports, more feature articles and more outreach to raise awareness and call for change. We also launched our new “EF in Action” series, taking you directly into the field to share authentic moments with us.


The right balance between immediate action and long-term commitment

2023 was also a year that saw the reinforcement of a strong conviction: immediate action must be matched by the perseverance, the resilience and the constancy necessary to curb and – let’s keep our hopes up – reverse trends. Yes, we need to take action quickly and immediately to heal injured animals or save them from mistreatment, to plant today the trees of tomorrow, and to clean up our land and seas from plastic pollution… But we also need to be patient with a view to the longer term and transform our frustrations when confronted to political and economic inconsistencies into boldness to build a more sustainable future.

It is in the face of this two-fold temporality that Equestrio Foundation’s positioning takes on its full meaning. Taking action today on the ground and crying out, always louder, to make change happen for tomorrow. For all this, we need you!

Enjoy your read!



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