Equestrio Foundation is supporting the “Association pour la Sauvegarde du Léman” (ASL) for a second year by funding a new series of videos aimed at raising public awareness about the lake’s ecosystem.  A partnership that echoes our aim to contribute to the preservation of our local natural heritage, but also our desire to continue smiling and laughing because we believe it’s also a great way to convey key messages!



Stand-up Paddle: a campaign targeting the new generations

The Association for the Safeguard of Lake Geneva has been working for more than 40 years towards the protection of the water in the largest lake in Europe. In 2021, the teams decided to launch an awareness campaign aimed at the younger generations.


This is how the idea of Stand-up Paddle, a video series on the biodiversity of Lake Geneva animated by the Swiss humorist Thibaud Agoston and published on social networks, came into being. An efficient format, in line with the habits of these ultra-connected digital natives, fans of influencers and instantaneous information, but also highly committed and demanding in terms of authenticity and transparency. As for transparency there will certainly be no lack of it with Stand-Up Paddle which offers them a dive with no filters into the depths of Lake Geneva.


Lake Geneva: a fragile balance that we can preserve

In a mix between gentle jokes and science-based information, each episode of this series teaches us a little more about the lake’s ecosystem -its animal and plant life threatened by climate change and human pollution, particularly that generated by plastic waste or cigarette butts (another combat, supported by another project – the Lakes Odyssey).


A new series of videos financed by Equestrio Foundation

In 2021, Equestrio Foundation financed the production of the first two episodes of this video series, focusing on how animals and fish adapt to Lake Geneva’s aquatic life.


In 2022, we renewed our support with a CHF10,000 funding aimed at the production, shooting and broadcasting of 4 new videos on more targeted topics and with shorter formats: underwater forests, Lake Geneva’s shores, crustaceans, insects. In these new spots, Thibaud Agoston can be seen, swaying dangerously on his paddle whilst explaining the dangers looming over the biodiversity of Lake Geneva but also highlighting the actions undertaken to rehabilitate it. We learn about satisfying victories, such as the return of pikes to the lake a few decades after phosphates in laundry detergents were banned.

Latest “Stand up Paddle” episode:

👉 Here 


Safeguarding our local natural resources

At Equestrio Foundation, we are committed to protecting our local environment. That’s why part of our strategy is to select regional projects that contribute to the preservation of nature and biodiversity in and around Switzerland. Our lakes, our bees, our wildlife, our animals in distress… our action reaches beyond our borders but it also and above all starts here.


We seek to promote ever more projects in favour of our local environment, so do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to ask for our support.


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