Can we even begin to imagine what goes on behind closed doors? Things that are none of our business, and others, too, that we simply cannot turn a blind eye to. It is this belief that drives YouCare’s pet rescue program in the Paris region, that we’re proud to support for this second year-round of partnership.



Animal abuse on the rise

Animal abuse is a veritable cause for concern in France. Every year, more than 100,000 domestic animals are abandoned, many of them victims of mistreatment

Animals chained up, left without shelter or food, deprived of care, or outright victims of direct physical violence…the number of mistreatment reports is constantly increasing. A study by the Home Office published in 2022 shows a 30% rise in offenses against “non-wild” animals between 2016 and 2022, with at least a third of these involving serious abuse. Dogs and cats are the most affected by this mistreatment.


Acts punishable by law

It is important to point out that animal mistreatment is certainly not a private matter. It is an offense punishable under the Criminal Code. The law is clear on this point: it is forbidden to mistreat domestic animals or wild animals tamed or kept in captivity. Anyone who fails to comply with this obligation is liable to a fine. The same applies to abandoning an animal, which can be punished by a prison sentence of up to 3 years and a fine of up to €45,000.


Seizing animals to set them free

How can we support these animals beyond the often-slow legal process? This is one of YouCare’s area of action. The association’s teams work in close collaboration with the police and other relevant authorities to seize abused animals and place them in foster homes pending adoption.


A second year of support

The average cost of a rescue with seizure amounts to around €400 per animal, and YouCare needs help to carry out its mission. After supporting the association in 2023 as part of its ‘New Life’ program on the island of Réunion, Equestrio Foundation is renewing its collaboration for another year-round in 2024 with a €10,000 donation. This funding has been allocated to supporting these rescues, particularly the often-costly veterinary care required in cases of abuse—such as restoring animals to health, surgery, sterilizations—as well as covering legal expenses.”


Offering a new destiny to suffering animals

Through this funding, 25 animals have been given a second chance. 25 stories of reconstruction, like that of Nala, a four-month-old stray puppy rescued in the Bois de Vincennes, weakened by mange. Or that of ‘Grandpa Charly’, a 10-year-old cat abandoned in the tube who will soon find a new family, and Polka, a little York rescued thanks to a tip-off from neighbors when his owner was trying to bury him alive.

All these animals have been saved thanks to YouCare’s intervention, which is a wonderful reminder that in the face of cruelty and fatality, there is also generosity and hope out there.



How to report animal abuse?

If you too have witnessed animal abuse, you can take action. How? By contacting an animal protection association, the police, or your local DDPP (Direction départementale de la protection des populations).

Each action counts when it comes to dealing with animal abuse. Thanks to YouCare, its partners, and everyone’s attention, we can help rebuild broken lives.


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