Our current projects

These projects, whether they concern the animal cause or the preservation of our environment, need your support to be successful and to continue to exist. Support your favourite project and highlight it even more!

Clean my Calanques

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They aim to collect as much waste as possible in the city and Marseille's Calanques. Clean My Calanques is a team of committed citizens who roll up their sleeves because they are convinced that each little step will help save the planet. Discover

YouCare – New Life

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What can be done to help stray animals and prevent them from the sad destiny that they often face - so-called "convenience" euthanasia? With its "New Life" program, YouCare aims to save a maximum of abandoned animals on the Reunion Island by helping them find a permanent home. Discover
Let our hearts beat to open a new path for them

The Foundation

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Based in Geneva, Switzerland, Equestrio Foundation is a private foundation created in 2019 by Ms Alicia Heiniger, an entrepreneur passionate about horseback riding, animals and the environment. The foundation is part of the Equestrio Group (EG) and bears the name of the online magazine Equestrio, of which Ms Heiniger is the founder and CEO. Being a relatively new foundation, innovative in its form, the overall objective of Equestrio Foundation is to support financially, and through communication, human-scale projects and people who work for the environment preservation and animal protection.


Guided by the strong conviction that every action counts, Equestrio Foundation not only financially supports its partners and its projects, but also helps to highlight the work of these “hidden heroes” by producing strong images and reports to highlight their stories and their incredible work. Driven by the belief that we are all interconnected – humans, animals and the environment – and that our well-being is, in essence, linked to the well-being of the environment and the animal species of our planet, Equestrio Foundation is contributing to preserve this fragile balance which allows our world to exist.

Support the Foundation

Equestrio Foundation provides financial support and visibility to the projects it has selected and which it promotes through its exclusive photo and video reports produced by enthusiasts. While all of the foundation’s running costs are covered by its founder, Ms Alicia Heiniger, all donations go to the chosen projects. The aim is to help Equestrio Foundation partners to carry out their work and enable them to continue their mission.


Another innovative way to support these important actions is to give them the maximum amount of feedback. To do this, simply click on the share button that appears next to each project, to increase its visibility via social networks or messaging services, and make as many people as possible aware of this cause.



Nature makes the news! All over the world, Nature is a universal subject. Whether it’s protecting animals or working to preserve the environment, the fight never ends. Echoes from here or elsewhere…


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