L’Odyssée des Lacs
When it comes to taking up challenges, we are often up to the task, or at least ready to take an active part in any way we can. This state of mind is also the trademark of Noam Yaron who, with “The Lakes Odyssey ” project, has taken up the unprecedented challenge of swimming across the 5 largest Swiss lakes, that is to say over 180 km in less than 15 days.
This summer 2022, the 25-year-old swimmer from Vaud set out to conquer the lakes of Constance, Lugano, Quatre Cantons, Neuchâtel and Zurich with a twofold objective: to break a record, of course, but also to raise awareness for the need to preserve the waters of Swiss lakes. Beneath their crystal-clear appearance, Swiss lakes and their biodiversity are in a dire condition, damaged by plastic and chemical pollution – particularly that caused by cigarette butts.
Fighting against this degradation of our natural heritage is at the core of Noam’s project. Through this challenge his goal was to call attention to a cause that currently lacks visibility in Switzerland and to raise funds for the associations that uphold it by offering people the possibility of predicting how long each crossing would take him. He will complete his sporting feat with a cigarette butt collection that will take place during “Blue October” with the aim of bringing together as many individuals, opinion leaders and companies as possible.
Equestrio Foundation decided to contribute to this amazing Odyssey through the association “Objectif Environnement”, which supports Noam in this adventure. We helped finance the rental of a boat (solar powered of course!) used to ensure the safety of the swimmer during the various crossings.
Totally inspired by this initiative (but quite keen on keeping our feet dry!), we will take part in the cigarette butt collection operation on the shores of Lake Geneva next October. A day that promises many exciting encounters!

“Objectif Environnement” is a Swiss association that promotes environmental issues through sports. Its members are deeply convinced that sport is a powerful way to convey messages with maximum impact, to the greatest number of people. The association’s action is based on three pillars: support for sporting challenges that commit to raising the visibility of environmental issues, organisation of sustainable sporting events that are accessible to all and the increase of general awareness about the need to put the issue of sustainable development at the centre of any discussions.
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Photographers, video artists, volunteers, explorers of all kinds, they declare their passion for Mother Nature.