EHCRC shelters financed by Equestrio Foundation


One of the missions of the Equestrio Foundation is to provide financial support to selected organizations. Each grant is carefully monitored by our team and determined to meet a real need identified in collaboration with our partners.


At Easy Horse Care Rescue Center all the rescues live outside, and it became an urgency to expand and build new shelters.

These needs come from two major reasons : 

Climate change, which makes summers warmer, and the frequent winds and rainstorms, force the rescues to seek shelter. 

The number of equines, constantly increasing at the centre. 


In 2020, the Equestrio Foundation’s financial contribution for this project was 9213.60€ / 10 180 CHF. This is the amount needed to finance 11 brand new shelters.

Each shelter has cost 837,60€ / 525 CHF – with the following details:


7 x long poles: 49€ each  = 343€

2 x medium poles : 19.20€ each    = 38,40€

4 x woodsheet : 20€ each = 80€

5 x plastic pipe sleeves: 31€ each  = 155€

6 x Cemex roofing sheets: 32€ each = 192€

8 x threaded bar : 2,40€ each = 19,20€

Nuts and washers = 10€

Total = 837,60€


All shelters were built by Rod and volunteers, so there is no labour cost added. 



Show your support and share as much as possible the project page on social media.

Equestrio Foundation is ready to renew its support this year if we reach 100% sharing! 👇


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